Data: via {baseballr} | Last Updated: October 5, 2023 at 08:07:46
## [1] "Run-adjusted margin is more correlated than pythagorean wins (0.942 vs. 0.941)"
# getting vector of all team names
all_teams = mlb_teams(season = 2023) |>
filter(sport_name == "Major League Baseball") |>
pull(team_full_name) |>
# getting end game data and adding info
end_games = mlb_schedule(season = 2023, level_ids = "1") |>
filter(teams_away_team_name %in% all_teams &
teams_home_team_name %in% all_teams &
series_description == "Regular Season" &
status_detailed_state == "Final") |>
select(date, game_pk,
away_team = teams_away_team_name, away_score = teams_away_score,
home_score = teams_home_score, home_team = teams_home_team_name) |>
mutate(date = as_date(date),
win_team = ifelse(home_score > away_score, home_team, away_team),
win_score = ifelse(home_score > away_score, home_score, away_score),
lose_score = ifelse(home_score > away_score, away_score, home_score),
lose_team = ifelse(home_score > away_score, away_team, home_team),
final_score = paste0(win_score, "-", lose_score),
description = paste0(win_team, " def. ", lose_team, " ", final_score))
# best records of the past month
# end_games |>
# filter(date >= Sys.Date() - 31) |>
# count(win_team) |>
# rename(team = win_team, wins = n) |>
# inner_join(end_games |>
# filter(date >= Sys.Date() - 31) |>
# count(lose_team) |>
# rename(team = lose_team, losses = n), by = "team") |>
# mutate(win_pct = round(wins / (wins + losses), 3)) |>
# arrange(desc(win_pct))
# function to get runs scored in past month
get_past_month_runs_scored = function(team) {
home_runs = end_games |> filter(date >= Sys.Date() - 31 & home_team == team) |> pull(home_score) |> sum()
away_runs = end_games |> filter(date >= Sys.Date() - 31 & away_team == team) |> pull(away_score) |> sum()
return(home_runs + away_runs)
# function to get runs allowed in past month
get_past_month_runs_allowed = function(team) {
home_runs = end_games |> filter(date >= Sys.Date() - 31 & home_team == team) |> pull(away_score) |> sum()
away_runs = end_games |> filter(date >= Sys.Date() - 31 & away_team == team) |> pull(home_score) |> sum()
return(home_runs + away_runs)
# team color codes
team_color_codes = c("#A71930", "#CE1141", "#DF4601", "#BD3039", "#0E3386",
"#27251F", "#C6011F", "#00385D", "#333366", "#0C2340",
"#EB6E1F", "#004687", "#BA0021", "#005A9C", "#00A3E0",
"#FFC52F", "#D31145", "#FF5910", "#003087", "#003831",
"#E81828", "#FDB827", "#FFC425", "#FD5A1E", "#005C5C",
"#C41E3A", "#8FBCE6", "#C0111F", "#134A8E", "#FFB7C5")
# getting run-adjusted margins for each team in past month
past_month_ram = data.frame(team = all_teams) |>
mutate(scored = sapply(team, get_past_month_runs_scored),
allowed = sapply(team, get_past_month_runs_allowed),
diff = scored - allowed,
ram = round(diff / scored, 3),
pos_lab = ifelse(ram >= 0, ram, ""),
neg_lab = ifelse(ram < 0, ram, ""))
past_month_ram |>
ggplot(aes(reorder(team, ram), ram)) +
geom_col(aes(fill = team), show.legend = F) +
geom_text(aes(label = pos_lab), size = 3, hjust = -0.25) +
geom_text(aes(label = neg_lab), size = 3, hjust = 1.25) +
annotate("text", x = 1.5, y = 0.25, label = "Data: via {baseballr}", size = 3, fontface = "italic") +
scale_fill_manual(values = team_color_codes) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1)) +
coord_flip(ylim = c(min(past_month_ram$ram) * 1.1, max(past_month_ram$ram) * 1.1)) +
labs(x = NULL, y = "RAM",
title = "Past Month Run-Adjusted Margin (RAM)",
subtitle = "RAM = (Runs Scored - Runs Allowed) / Runs Scored")
margin_results = end_games |>
mutate(win_margin = win_score - lose_score,
margin_description = paste0(win_team, " win by ", win_margin),
loser_desc = paste0(lose_team, " lose by ", win_margin)) |>
count(margin_description) |>
mutate(desc = paste0(margin_description, " (", n, ")")) |>
arrange(desc(n), margin_description) |>
margin_results_L = end_games |>
mutate(win_margin = win_score - lose_score,
margin_description = paste0(win_team, " win by ", win_margin),
loser_desc = paste0(lose_team, " lose by ", win_margin)) |>
count(loser_desc) |>
mutate(desc = paste0(loser_desc, " (", n, ")")) |>
arrange(desc(n), loser_desc) |>
upper_limit = 10
for (i in 1:upper_limit) {
## [1] "Cincinnati Reds win by 1 (34)"
## [1] "Miami Marlins win by 1 (33)"
## [1] "Baltimore Orioles win by 1 (30)"
## [1] "Milwaukee Brewers win by 1 (29)"
## [1] "Philadelphia Phillies win by 1 (29)"
## [1] "Washington Nationals win by 1 (29)"
## [1] "Cleveland Guardians win by 1 (27)"
## [1] "New York Mets win by 1 (25)"
## [1] "San Francisco Giants win by 1 (25)"
## [1] "Seattle Mariners win by 1 (25)"
## [1] "========================================"
for (i in 1:upper_limit) {
## [1] "Cleveland Guardians lose by 1 (31)"
## [1] "Chicago White Sox lose by 1 (30)"
## [1] "Cincinnati Reds lose by 1 (29)"
## [1] "New York Mets lose by 1 (29)"
## [1] "Minnesota Twins lose by 1 (27)"
## [1] "Oakland Athletics lose by 1 (27)"
## [1] "Seattle Mariners lose by 1 (26)"
## [1] "St. Louis Cardinals lose by 1 (26)"
## [1] "Boston Red Sox lose by 1 (25)"
## [1] "Tampa Bay Rays lose by 1 (25)"
end_games |>
mutate(diff = win_score - lose_score) |>
filter(diff >= 3) |>
count(win_team) |>
arrange(desc(n)) |>
rename(`Team` = win_team,
`Wins by 3+` = n)
## # A tibble: 30 × 2
## Team `Wins by 3+`
## <chr> <int>
## 1 Los Angeles Dodgers 74
## 2 Tampa Bay Rays 64
## 3 Texas Rangers 62
## 4 Atlanta Braves 61
## 5 San Diego Padres 57
## 6 Toronto Blue Jays 55
## 7 Baltimore Orioles 54
## 8 Chicago Cubs 53
## 9 Houston Astros 52
## 10 New York Yankees 48
## # ℹ 20 more rows
reg23 = end_games |>
mutate(total_score = home_score + away_score)
post22 = mlb_schedule(season = 2022, level_ids = "1") |>
filter(teams_away_team_name %in% all_teams &
teams_home_team_name %in% all_teams &
series_description %in% c("Division Series", "League Championship Series", "Wild Card Game", "World Series") &
status_detailed_state == "Final") |>
select(date, game_pk,
away_team = teams_away_team_name, away_score = teams_away_score,
home_score = teams_home_score, home_team = teams_home_team_name) |>
mutate(date = as_date(date),
win_team = ifelse(home_score > away_score, home_team, away_team),
win_score = ifelse(home_score > away_score, home_score, away_score),
lose_score = ifelse(home_score > away_score, away_score, home_score),
lose_team = ifelse(home_score > away_score, away_team, home_team),
final_score = paste0(win_score, "-", lose_score),
description = paste0(win_team, " def. ", lose_team, " ", final_score),
total_score = home_score + away_score)
# most postseason games had six or less runs scored
# post22 |>
# count(total_score <= 6)
reg23 |>
filter(total_score <= 6) |>
count(win_team) |>
rename(team = win_team, wins = n) |>
inner_join(reg23 |>
filter(total_score <= 6) |>
count(lose_team) |>
rename(team = lose_team, losses = n), by = "team") |>
mutate(win_pct = round(wins / (wins + losses), 3)) |>
## # A tibble: 30 × 4
## team wins losses win_pct
## <chr> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 Atlanta Braves 24 10 0.706
## 2 Los Angeles Dodgers 26 12 0.684
## 3 Baltimore Orioles 30 17 0.638
## 4 Toronto Blue Jays 31 20 0.608
## 5 Seattle Mariners 31 21 0.596
## 6 Arizona Diamondbacks 25 17 0.595
## 7 Pittsburgh Pirates 29 22 0.569
## 8 Los Angeles Angels 26 20 0.565
## 9 Tampa Bay Rays 24 19 0.558
## 10 Chicago Cubs 25 20 0.556
## # ℹ 20 more rows
end_games |>
mutate(runs_scored = home_score + away_score) |>
count(runs_scored) |>
ggplot(aes(runs_scored, n)) +
geom_col(fill = "springgreen4") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 30, by = 1)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 250, by = 25)) +
labs(x = "Runs Scored", y = "Number of Games")